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Samir Tagiev

Backend Developer


I'm 28, live in Noyabrsk where I work since 2017. I've started my journey to coding three years ago from learning Python, then I tried C# with Unity in order to create games (wrote ping pong game) and later HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A year ago I returned to Python, started to learn OOP, regular expressions, database usage, then decided to learn Django. Later I also started to learn python-telegram-bot library and wrote a bot for my wife.
For now I work to write a PDF editor using both Django and JavaScript.
I love to learn, code and don't afraid of difficulties.


  • Python
  • Django
  • SQL
  • Git
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Figma


I’ve build a web site for local company "VDPO YANAO" from a scratch using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Django for backend. I also developed design for that site in Figma. I used media queries, so pages are adaptive and change depending on screen size. Also I've embed rss feed to the main page. While studying at JS/FE PRE-SCHOOL I've done Museum and Vertical slider tasks as well as algorythms and codewars katas. My last project is Museum task at main course of JavaScript/Front-end, it's improved version of the task from JS/FE PRE-SCHOOL. Last month I've built a bot which tells what moon day is today.

Museum Pre-School
Museum Pre-School

This is version of Museum task for Pre-School so it is not adaptive at all, the video player doesn't work, but it is pixel perfect and a little bit interactive.



Vertical Slider
Vertical Slider Pre-School

This is version of Vertical Slider task for Pre-School I didn't change appearance of the app, but made it responsive. Also it's possible to change images using wheel




Museum JavaScript/Front-end Stage 1
Museum JavaScript/Front-end

This is improved version of the task from JS/FE PRE-SCHOOL. It's fully adaptive, has some JavaScript povered features. While developing I've used Sass preprocessor.






I have a Bachelor's degree in law, I've successfully finished JS/FE PRE-SCHOOL (JAVASCRIPT), now I learn programming at (my profile)


  • Russian (Native)
  • English (B2 - Upper Intermediate. In 2019 passed Cambridge University exam “First Certificate in English”)